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The Founder
The Founder of ABS-CBN #7th_Heaven is z also known as CJ_Ron. Chief Marshall of the ABS-CBN PinoyCentral Chat Alliance.

ABS-CBN #7th_Heaven Chat Rules, Regulations and Guidelines

Welcome to ABS-CBN #7th_Heaven. Please feel free to join our chats and get to meet real people and make new friends.

In this chatroom, we'd like everyone to have the maximum chat experience possible. This is why we ask you to please Respect everyone in the chatroom. Proper chat decorum is expected from each participant.

We'd like to remind you that the following is not allowed in all our chatrooms: flooding, foul language, abuse of highlights, underlines, ALL CAPS and bold letters, pretending to be a celebrity, passing/posting of files, advertisements of any kind that does not concern any of our chatrooms, and harassment/disrespect of fellow chatters or marshalls.

We have Chat Operators, Marshalls and Chat Jocks who has the right to kick and/or ban anyone who violates these guidelines.

We also have Chat Events with celebrities and other interesting guests. These are always scheduled, and only the real chat guest has an operator status and an "@" before his name. For our chat schedules, log-in to http://chat.pinoycentral.com, http://www.abs-cbn.com or http://www.abs-cbnnews.com.

Have you been kicked or banned from a chatroom unfairly? Do you think an op is violating a guideline? We want to hear from you! If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please email us to ronniecorpuz@hotmail.com

No offensive language, Repeating, Flooding the channel with text/nick/join or part, Advertising, Sexual Attitudes, Harassing Users, Excessive Caps, Offensive Nicks, Clones, Auto Greets, or Op Begging!

A. How do I chat?

You are now logged in to the Internet. How else can you see this if you're not? Nonetheless, make sure you are logged to the Internet.
Check out and see if you are connected to the Internet under a firewall or a proxy server. If you are, you cannot access the chat unless you have permission from your network administrator.
Open your browser. We recommend that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer, but Netscape fine.
Make sure that your browser is java-enabled. If not, the chat applet won`t work. To check, go to the tools section, click on the advanced tab, and check if your browser is java-enabled.
Log in to http://www.pinoycentral.com and go to the chat section.
Wait for the chat applet to load. That one big gray area in your screen is where the applet will appear.
Enter your nick (no offensive ones, please) and chat away. (Also see How to Register and Protect My Nick)
To change your nick, type /nick nickyouwant.
If it does not work, go to the section on how to chat using mIRC and other chat softwares.

B. How do I chat using MIRC and other softwares?

If you don't have the chat program, mIRC, you can download it at http://www.mirc.com. For Mac users, download an IRC software at http://www.ircle.com. You can use other chat softwares, but in this case we recommend mIRC.
After you have downloaded it, install it in your hard disk. When the installation is complete, check the launch mIRC field and click OK.
A picture of the creator will load first. Close this message by clicking on the upper right portion of THIS BOX (not the whole chat program).
A box called mIRC Options will appear. Click on the ADD button, which is located at the upper right area and is next to the IRC Servers field.
Another box will appear: mIRC ADD SERVER with a handful of fields to fill out. Configure your mIRC server to the following specifications:
Description: PinoyCentral Chat Server

IRC Server: chat.abs-cbn.com

Port: 6667



Then click on the add button at the middle right portion of the box.

The mIRC ADD SERVER box will close and you will go back to the mIRC Options box again. Please fill out the fields required in that area:
Full Name:

E-Mail Address:

For example: John>

For example: Marsha>

When you're, click on the Connect to IRC Server to connect to the PinoyCentral Chat Server. Wait for the ping pong event and the message of the day. When you see this, it means you're in!
Now, the only thing you have to do is to go to your chatroom. To get a list of the chatrooms, type /list. When you get the list, just double click on the room you want to join. You can also join by typing /join #Chatroom. For example: /join #7th_Heaven.

C. How do I register my nick and protect it?

Log in with the nick you want to register. If it doesn't register, someone else have already registered it. In this case, look for an alternative nick. To change your nick, type /nick yournick.
Type in the status bar /nickserv register your_password your_email. Make sure you list down or at least remember the password.
After you have registered your nick, you may want to protect it and make sure that no one will use it. To do this, type /nickserv set kill on. This will protect your nick from people who want to use it. With the password protection, a user is given 60 seconds to provide the nick's password. Otherwise, that nick will automatically change to guest status.
Now that you have registered your nick, go to the section on identifying yourself.

D. How do I identify myself with my registered nick?

First, make sure that your nick is registered. You cannot identify your nick if you haven't registered it yet. For details on how to do this, go to the section on registering and protecting your nick.
In a protected nick, you are given 60 seconds to provide the right password and identify yourself as the owner. To do this, type /nickserv identify your_password. A message confirming the password will be displayed.

E. How do I make a private chatroom for two people only?

To make a private chatroom, all you have to do is double-click on the nick of the person you want to chat with.

F. What are Operators and Marshalls?

Operators and marshalls are volunteer chatters whose responsibility is to make the room comfortable and safe for people to converse. They are there to help out the chatters. Whether a chatter is asking for the command to change their nicks or help from a flooder, these ops are there to help. Operators and marshalls can be identified by an @ sign before their nicks. For example: @Juan. (Also see Who are PinoyBot and Statsbot?)

G. Why do I get kicked and banned from the chatroom?

A chatter gets kicked or banned by violating the set guidelines. The basic rule is REMEMBER THE HUMAN. Chatters often forget that there are human beings behind each nick. Guidelines lay out a set of prescribed behaviors primarily designed to make chatting a pleasant experience for all. (Also see the Chat Guidelines for more details)

H. I think I have been unfairly kicked or banned from the chatroom. What do I do?

Operators and marshalls are only human, and they do make mistakes. If you think you have been unfairly kicked out or banned from the chatroom or the whole chat network, please file a complaint with all the details (your nick, respective marshall on duty, your story, and the logs if possible), to chat@pinoycentral.com.

I. How do I become a Marshall of a chatroom?

We encourage the resident chatters of each chatroom to volunteer as chat operators. We believe that only a chatter is qualified to marshall his peers. Our standards on being an op reflects this: First, to be a marshall in one room requires that you have to have the trust of your colleagues in the chatroom. This is what we consider first. Second, a volunteer has to know the guidelines of the chat network. This person should have a good track record in following these guidelines and in helping police the chatroom. Third, an experience in being an op in other chat networks would be an advantage. Using the windows-based chat applet might be adequate for chatting, but the person has to have experience in using other chat softwares. Fourth, we have a chat club, and we prefer to get marshalls from there because these people know the personality of the chatters better as such can genuinely say whether or not a chatter is deserving to have op status. If you feel that you can be a marshall, please email your application to chat@pinoycentral.com. Provide us your qualifications, your proposed schedule in patroling the respective room, and your answers to the following questions: why do you want to be marshall? and why should we accept you as marshall?

J. Who are PinoyBot and StatsBot?

PinoyBot is not a person. It is placed in the chatroom so that the room wouldn't close if there are no people. Statsbot, on the other hand, is there to measure the chatroom traffic. Let us remind you that these are just bots, and they are not there to chat with you. You can send private messages to them, but do not expect any answer.

K. Can I make my own room?

You cannot directly make chatrooms. You have to apply for your own chatroom and the chat network administrators will evaluate your application based on certain parameters. Just make sure that your nick is registered and protected so that the admin people can give you op status which you will need when your chatoom is already activated.

L. How can I be sure that the person logged in the chatroom is the real celebrity?

Celebrity chats are always scheduled and published in the chatroom beforehand. Celebrities and chat guests are always given operator status by the operator or chat jocks on duty as such their nicks always have the @ symbol. For example: @Sharon_Cuneta. Sometimes, these events are also webcasted so the chatters can see the guest chatting.

M. What is a moderated chat and why do you have to do it?

To prevent any untoward incident from happening, an operator always moderates chat events and chat shows. In a moderated chat, messages from the chatters are screened first before being posted in the chatroom.

ABS-CBN #7th_Heaven Theme

When I see their happy faces smilin' back at me.
There's no greater feelin' than the love of family.
Where can you go when the world don't treat you right?
The answer is home; that's the one place that you'll find ... 7th Heaven!

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